Student Accessibility and Inclusive Learning Services
ASU Student Accessibility and Inclusive Learning Services is the central campus resource for students with disabilities to ensure access to their education and help increase awareness in the university community. We work to create a culture of access and inclusion through collaboration with faculty, campus partners, and the use of universal design principles.
Registered Students - Please log into your connect account and request your accommodations.
New Students - If you are not currently registered and need accommodations, please complete our new registration form.
Frequently Asked Questions
Students with disabilities who require accommodations should complete a registration form. Once this form is submitted, students will receive an automatic confirmation email. Within a few days of submission, students will be contacted, through their ASU e-mail by their assigned Accessibility Consultant (DAC) with information to set up their initial appointment. This appointment is essential to establishing eligibility and beginning the interactive process to determine accommodations. If there are questions at any point prior to being connected with your DAC, you can contact our office at (480) 965-1234 and student.accessibility@asu.edu.
The initial appointment is an important step in the accommodation determination process. During this meeting your accessible consultant will learn more about you and how your disability interacts with the educational environment including what specific barriers are created, in your courses, program, or activity due to this interaction. Typically, documentation alone does not address the barriers a student may face in each course or setting.
Typically the best documentation is that which includes the specific diagnosis AND the impact of that diagnosis. Students may find they have documentation from previous doctors visits, assessments and/or other school settings. Providing your Accessibility Consultant with what documentation you currently have can be a great first step in discussing what (if anything) additional might be needed. If needed, please use our Disability Verification Form and have your provider return it to our office.
Accommodations are put in place to ensure access. Accommodations are determined by understanding what barriers may be preventing access. Specific accommodations are determined on a case by case basis.
Students with disabilities enrolled in ASU Online courses may be eligible for reasonable accommodations. If you are interested in exploring potential accommodations, complete our registration form. Once we receive your form, we will set up an initial appointment with you to discuss what accommodations may be needed given the impact of your disability.
Encourage your student to register with Student Accessibility and Inclusive Learning Services. Higher education is different from K-12 and your student will be asked to take the lead in connecting with the resources available to them. It is helpful if your student understands the impact of their disability and are comfortable discussing it with an assigned Accessibility Consultant. https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/transition.html
Reach out to your Accessibility Consultant. They can check to see what might be preventing you from being able to access your account. If you are not sure who your Accessibility Consultant is, please email student.accessibility@asu.edu or call (480) 965-1234.
If you are already registered with Student Accessibility, you can call (480) 965-1234 or if you have the Bookings link for your Accessibility Consultant, you can use that to schedule an appointment. You can also email your Accessibility Consultant to schedule an appointment.
Students who may benefit from an assistance animal due to the impact of a disability should register with our office and provide documentation specifying this need. If you are already registered, you can outreach to your Accessibility Consultant to discuss this request.
Most often, you will want to connect with one of our Accessibility Consultants who work directly with students. We also have specialists that work on specific service delivery areas. Depending on your questions, we will work to connect with the right people who can best answer the questions you have.
To request religious accommodations please complete our Religious Accommodation Request Form.
Student Stories

How disability awareness, advocacy became a mission for ASU grad
The map of life is not always linear. For W. P. Carey School of Business graduate Garrett Tanner, life's journey led him through a multitude of peaks and valleys.
After high school, Tanner attended Mesa Community College before transferring to Arizona State University, where he majored in digital and integrated marketing communications. During his time at ASU, he became one of the founding members of the Accessibility Coalition — one of eight student-led, cultural/identity-based coalitions, and ASU’s first for the disability community.
Visit us
For convenience, students will find offices located at the Downtown, Polytechnic, Tempe, and West Valley campus.
You can contact any Student Accessibility office with the following information:
Phone: 480-965-1234
FAX: 480-965-0441
Email: Student.Accessibility@asu.edu
Downtown Phoenix, Post Office, Suite 201
Polytechnic, Wanner Hall - Suite 101
Tempe, Wilson Hall, 1st floor East Lobby
West Valley, University Center Building, Room 304